Friday, January 14, 2011

From Trash to Treasure

What's up good people,
                As I was going through some papers that I had "filed away", by that I mean were stacked together in a plastic bag in my room, I found a poem that I wrote on 12-19-2005. I know that seems to be such a long time ago, I had just recently graduated college in May of 2005 I had gotten my first "real" job in November of this same year and I was living in my first apartment. I don't really remember if I wrote this for anyone in particular but I read it and I like it, it may even make my next spoken word project. (I know what you're saying, do you have a first project, and surprisingly the answer is yes). In any event at this time in my artistic development I didn't title a lot of my poems and my reasoning at the time was something to the effect of, "I don't want my words to be confined in a box by a title" how lame was that? Most of my work didn't have titles because I could never think of anything creative enough and didn't like simply naming it using a line from out the poem, I wanted something deep, meaningful. In any event I will allow you guys to decide what this poem should be called you can leave comments on my Facebook wall or my email or here or my twitter (imallyg) if you want.

Mesmerized by an unidentified beauty
Highly identified as the one to seek
I seek thee first before the Kingdom of heaven
And that's blasphemous

So hallelujah to your amen and I'm not religious
I'm just a man mesmerized by a beauty
The Mother Mary must have seen with her eyes

Hypnotized by hypnotic eyes that keep me at bay
With their seductive stances
Glances that say more than words can manage

And maybe I'm day dreaming
Maybe I'm not
But I cannot get this woman out of my head
And into my car, plus

She's far too advanced for the far too
Simplistic advances of a man who
Puts too much Em-phasis on his
money or his car, she got both

Most don't know how to deal with a woman
who handles her own work because
They can't feed their own ego's
With the need of an insecure woman

Her insecurities came from the infidelity of her father
And that pushed her farther away from men
To the point she tried women for a change
But found when it comes to love

Men and women are much the same
So the games she play
Arose from the pain she saw
In her mother's crying eyes

So she sacrifices her body
To protect her heart
Rejected attempts to slip her
Defense Systems and touch her soul
Leaves Beauty with a
Cold, empty feeling

Despair displays daily
From her soul's windows
To the projection screens
Of anonymous individuals
That will never know her name

Beauty's brain games brought the beast soaring out her pores
Scarring scores of men with a mark that's
Undeniable and unforgettable
But Beauty's a survivor right,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year, New Poems and New Random BS

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I know its been way too long since I've posted stuff but I needed a sabbatical of sorts. (In other words, I didn't know what to write about) So I hope all your 2011 goals and dreams come true if you're working on making them reality. I didn't make any new years resolutions this year (well I made one, go to my Facebook page for more info on that) and I have good reason, we are all ever-changing, ever-evolving creatures therefore, resolutions are made daily, you're never the same person twice.

So my goal in the new year is to bring some new topics to this site along with some new poems and what better way to do that than to refer you to some of my old blogs on Myspace. Now I know what you're thinking, Myspace is still a functioning site? And surprisingly the answer is yes. So go to my page (I even made it easy to do all you have do is click on the link and you don't even have to log in) and read some of my blogs from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009. And while you're at it check out my other Myspace pages here and here and also check out my reverbnation page. But really I just wanted to say I'm going to write about the things that's important to me, music, poetry, sports, music, poetry, politics, music poetry, random nonsense, music and poetry. So for this entry I am posting a poem I wrote probably two or three years ago and I came across it as I was writing yesterday and thought I would share. It doesn't have a title but when I ran across it, it speaks to how I'm feeling at the moment and what I'm dealing with.

I have known loves like Langston Hughes has known rivers
The Euphrates, the Nile
I have known sorrows like the Mississippi
Love is ever changing but always staying the same
And I'm not equipped to handle this.
I mean I could handle this if
I never met her or I met her and she wasn't my other half
But I did and she is and, I'm supposed to be a man about it.
Does that mean I can't cry when my whole is divided by half and
I don't want to be broken again.
What I mean to say is I don't want to be open again,
Open to the possibility of being half the man I've grown to be
I've grown to see that it is easier to say we are broken than
I'm ill-repaired, I'm not together, but I'm getting there
Just like its easier to leave than to have an honest conversation
Because honestly, how many of us can be truthful with ourselves much less another person?
How much less of another person do we absorb before we begin to realize they are no good for us?
I'm guilty too, guilty of what all hopeless romantics are guilty of
Giving so much of ourselves that we've forgotten the things we want and need, Guilty of being in the need of love, guilty of loving someone who doesn't love us But love is ever changing and always staying the same,
until then I'll be waiting for her to come my way again

Hope you guys enjoy.